Y'day Anilkumar- friend of shaji- came to Chennai, for Visteon interview. He came, got-selected, gave party, gone !!! He is a man of good personality, driven by emotions. When I came to know about his past history .I just amazed. "Was" a drug addict !!! married while he had a salary of Rs5000 ONLY in
Today I went to Kumarakam - A mallu restaurant- with Syam. We had called Shaji too. "chidayan" he didn't came. Had a nice meal. Slept around 4 hours. I hate sleeping like this in noon. But I was too tierd after a heavy work with delicious meal and travel under hot sun.
Past Two weeks I was busy with Azealots Programming competition. The questions were Text book oriented, well known Algorithms. But it is interesting to solve/code the problems.
First week question was based on Shortest path problem.
This week question is based on a Max-flow-graph. First time I am reading through this kind of algorithm. But managed to implement a recursive version of my own. Not sure that it is same as any other well know implementation. But I designed this thing my self. The first implementation went into a "finite-infinite" loop. That time I experienced the power of discussion again. The problem was solved after discussing with Bijoy :-)
Now waiting for third week question.
Here is the link for competition. http://www.azealots.com/login/signup.php?refid=101127
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