ഒരു വടക്കന് വീരഗാഥയുടെ... പെരുന്തച്ചന്റെ... തിരക്കഥാകൃത്തില് നിന്നു ഇതിലും കുറഞ്ഞതു പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കാന് പറ്റില്ലല്ലോ !!!
ധര്മ്മത്തിലെ അധര്മ്മങ്ങള് വളരെ ഭംഗിയായി വെളിപ്പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു കഥാകാരന് :-) ഭീമന്റെ ദൃഷ്ടിയില് പുരോഗിമിക്കുന്ന ഈ കഥയില് യുധിഷ്ഠിരനേയും ശ്രീകൃഷ്ണനേയും ഇടിച്ചു താഴ്ത്തിയതു മനഃപൂര്വ്വമാണോ?
"ഒരു വിനാഴിക, ഒരു വിനാഴിക മാത്രം, മനസ്സില് ഹസ്തിനപുരം ഭരിച്ചു സ്ഥാനത്യാഗം ചെയ്ത രാജാവ്".
എല്ലാത്തിലും രണ്ടാമനാവാന് വിധിക്കപ്പെട്ട ഒരുവന് !! മന്ദന് എന്നു ജേഷ്ഠന് മാത്രമല്ല ..എല്ലാവരും വിളിക്കുന്നു...സ്വന്തം അമ്മയും... ഹ ഹ... കുരുക്ഷേത്രയുദ്ധം ഒറ്റക്കു ജയിക്കാന് കഴിവുള്ള മന്ദന് !!! ഈ മന്ദനെ ശരിക്കുപയോഗിച്ചു ദ്രൗപതിയും ;-) വെറും രണ്ടാമൂഴത്തിന്റെ പേരും പറഞ്ഞ് !!!
ആലപ്പുഴ-ചെന്നൈ എക്സ്പ്രെസ് മൂന്ന് മണിക്കൂര് വൈകിയാണു എന്നെ വീട്ടുപടിക്കല് ഇറക്കിയതെന്നു ഞാന് മറന്നു... ആ യാത്രയില് കൂട്ടുകരില്ലാത്തതിന്റെ ഏകാന്തത ഞന് അറിഞ്ഞില്ല...
എല്ലാവര്ക്കും എന്റെ ഹൃദയം നിറഞ്ഞ പുതുവത്സരാശംസകള് !!!
ഇതു എം.ടി തന്നെയല്ലയോ?!!! ഗോവയില് നിന്നു മെല്വിന് ഒപ്പിയെടുത്തത്...
A flash back…
After failing a series of interviews, my friends insisted that I should improve my English. So I thought...ok just give it a try then!!! ini athinte poraayma
Joined a Spoken English class and found that speaking English is really interesting. Since everybody around didn’t know much English then, I didn’t feel shy to speak Queen’s language. My Thrissur accent fuelled with ‘Formula 1’ fast speech caused no one to notice any grammatical mistakes.
There I met two girls from Vimala college, Solly and Riya (For namesake). They were considerably cute and smart !!! within no time all boys in the gang changed their seats near to them !!! ചക്ക കൂട്ടാനില് ഈച്ച വന്നിരിക്കണമാതിരി !!
They wonder that I am from GECT, the college near to their college! And I wonder that they clearly identified one known personality in my class!! For my classmates… in her description... he always wear a red T shirt means… bright color T-shirt. Always around girls… once he had an injury in his right leg… he had a bullet :-) And she didn’t forget to a give him a compliment … “He is handsome too”.
Anyway, as part of making conversation (to improve our language ..OK)
“What is your father… your hobbies… the story you liked the most… your favorite hero… blah blah …
Once I asked Riya by chance “Your mother’s name ?”And she introduced her mother to us… “enthu chaiyanna ente pillere …ente
What did we do… happily returned home and declared we met shakkeela :-)
On the way to Goa…
To accomplish my 4th wish… We were passing through a lush green paddy.
Our Toyota MUV(1) steadily at 80 KMPH… a cool breeze through my hair, road is marked with White lines, a kinda sailing experience ….but it didn’t last for long. The road conditions were soon changed to “men at work” mode. I felt like riding a horse. More precisely I felt like I was sitting on an ACV(1), the same desert motor Brad pitt drives in the movie “Mr and Mrs Smith”.
I wish ..if I could ride it. !!!
But in India, I just can’t imagine driving such an ACV and I have no genuine intention to go on-site like my friends do. So What to do?
Within no second Indian model of same vehicle came to my mind. TRACTOR !!!
I wish to drive a tractor… preferably in a paddy field… I dream a bit more….
Ride a tractor in MY paddy field.
Compared to all other my wish… I have no idea how to fulfill this wish…neither I nor my relatives/friends own a paddy filed. I’d never even sat on a tractor in my life. But still, I wish !!!
Yes I wish to be a farmer for at least an hour!!!!
(1)MUV:: Multi Utility Vehicle ; here Toyota Qualis :-)
ACV:: All Condition Vehicle
വളരെ അപൂര്വമായി ഞാന് ഓര്ക്കാറുള്ള ഒരു classmate ഉണ്ടെനിക്ക്...ഈ Chennai യില് തന്നെ. സുജീഷേ ക്ഷമിക്കൂ... മിക്കവാറും സമയം ഈ ചങ്ങാതിയെ കാണാന് പോലും കിട്ടാറില്ല. പിന്നീടാണു മനസ്സിലായതു ആശാന് ഒരു hotel നടത്തുന്നുണ്ടെന്ന കാര്യം. എപ്പോഴോ ഒരിക്കല് എന്നോടു സൂചിപ്പിച്ചിരുന്നുവെങ്കിലും 30KM അകലെയുള്ള അവനെ ചെന്നു കാണാന് എന്തുകൊണ്ടോ ഞാന് മെനക്കെട്ടില്ല എന്നു പറയുന്നതാവും ശരി.
'റെജിമകന്' ഇവിടെ land ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ടെന്ന വിവരം പ്രസീദ് എന്ന അറിയിക്കുകയും എന്നാ പിന്നെ സുജീഷിന്റെ ഹോട്ടലില് നിന്നു അത്താഴം തട്ടാം എന്നു ടിയാന് തീരുമാനിക്കുകയും ചെയ്ത പ്രകാരം ഞങ്ങള് അങ്ങോട്ട് വച്ചു പിടിപ്പിച്ചു. എന്തായാലും o.c യില് കിട്ടുന്നതല്ലേ എല്ലാത്തിന്റേയും ഗുണനിലവാരം പരിശോധിച്ചു കളയാം എന്നു ഞാന് ഉറപ്പിച്ചതിന് പടി മനസില് തോന്നിയതെല്ലം order ചെയ്തു ലാത്തിയടിയിലേക്കു പ്രവേശിച്ചു. അതുകൊണ്ടാവും മുമ്പില് കൊണ്ടു വച്ച ചപ്പത്തി,പൊറൊട്ട, ചിക്കന് ഇത്യാതി സാധനങ്ങള് ഞൊടിയിടയ്കുള്ളില് ആവിയായത്. പുറമെ പുട്ടും കടല കറിയം ഒന്നു പരീക്ഷിച്ചു നോക്കി. കൊള്ളാം.
എല്ലാം കഴിഞ്ഞപ്പോഴാണു കപ്പ മീന് കറിയുടെ കാര്യം മച്ചാന് സൂചിപ്പിച്ചതു. ഇനി ഇപ്പൊ ഇതു അകത്താക്കാന് 30KM വരേണ്ടെന്നൊര്തു എന്ന ഒരു plate ആയിക്കോട്ടെ എന്നായി ഞാന്. "എടാ മച്ചു നിന്റെ പണ്ടെത്തെ capacity ഇപ്പൊഴും ഉണ്ടല്ലേ..." പാവം പ്രസീദ് !! അവനെന്തറിയാം ? (അവന് കൊച്ചു പയ്യനല്ലേ!!!:-)
എല്ലാം കഴിഞ്ഞപ്പോള് മനസിനൊരു സമാധാനം!! സ്വന്തം classmate റ്റിന്റെ hotel ലില് നിന്നു മനസ്സിനിഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട കുശാലായ ഭക്ഷണം. രുചികരമായ ഒരു സദ്യ ഒരുക്കി തന്ന സുജീഷിനോടു എന്റെ ഹൃദയം നിറഞ്ഞ നന്ദി !!!
Thamburan-The Kerela Restaurant,
near Satyam IT Highway,
You might’ve heard of St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur!!! In my Pre-degree days (Circa 1994) it was the only men’s college in the town. So the first agenda of election manifesto of all parties were nothing but building a bridge to St. Mary’s college (a famous women’s college just 200 m away from the college). Our college was notorious for the student’s strike too. Frankly speaking, I should thank student leaders who made sure at least one strike per week. Yet our college produced rank 1, 2 or 3 in Engg / Med. entrance exams. “No. of ranks were directly proportional to no. of strikes”-just an unwritten law.
This college was famous for its state-of-the-art labs, which are modern enough to compete with those of IIT’s. Sorry… as pre-degree students we didn’t go anywhere near those labs. But heard that many equipments were in its “തട്ടിന്പുറം” (store). I remember that Science block was much stuffed with stinky smell of chemistry lab. But the college never produced an Einstein or Newton as far as I know.
Who cares!! take a look at the Art block. It produced a lot of poets, politicians (Quite a few Kerala leaders), script writers …etc…
But I don’t care that too.
I remember only one room in the college. Room no 101. The only class room with 7 doors in our college. Lucky boys... You might be jealous of us. What a facility to bunk the class to catch a movie. Oh… I forgot to mention, this college has no vast campus, no greenery .. btw, why a college without girls need all these stuff? But we were blessed with 5 theaters in the 2KM radius. (now, 8 I guess). So no wonder if you could see your lecturer near to you and don’t be afraid. They will not interfere in your business.
Ok back to room no 101.
Seven doors. Enough to tempt a teenager to slide through !!! isn’t it?!! but stop being jealous of us. Three problems were put us in a difficult situation.
First one was … all lecturers know about this facility. And they make note of the guys sitting at the door side. (override rule ..choose the penultimate position on the beginning of the class. And swap the position just after your lecturer read the ‘edge’ sitters)
Second. Room 101 is on the first floor. On whatever matter ..you have only one exit to downstairs which is right in front of the class lecturer. ( override rule. ‘Bribe’ your classmate on the other side to make some noise or to misbehave to disturb the focus of lecturer from the exit door.)
Third..sure.. I will revisit. Let me complete the facility of room no 101. And my first day at room no 101.
Did you know what a simple pendulum is? I am sure that your professors took the example of a real clock with pendulum… Am I correct? But our lecturer never used this example. They simply invite us to the bell-tower. Yes you may choose any one of 7 doors to reach at the window of bell tower. In fact room no 101 is in the bell-tower!!!
The advantage of this window is nothing but the road infornt of it heads to St Mary’s college and the right side road leads to Prof.PC Thomas’ entrance coaching centre. Did you get something?
Yupe… We just stand there and watch the ‘birds’. You may see hundreds of simple pendulums in motion!!!
Now, the first day in the college … yes first day in Room 101 :-)
A group of 100 teenagers...who don’t know much about a pre-degree college… eager to wait what is going to happen… suddenly our lecturer appear in the platform and all of a sudden everybody got up and said “good morning” to the first lecturer we ever saw in our life. (what we saw in the school were just ‘maash’ and ‘chechers’)
Anyway the lecturer didn’t bother to wish us back. Ohh…valya poss (serious guy). And he started drawing a table ..What is he doing? He started writing Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri in the first column. Suddenly a few of us got the clue? They started doing hullabaloo. Each one of us joined the party. (5 minutes later we heard the same warm welcome from nearer classes too)
Yes.. later he better known as “Verandah Principal”, in charge of scheduling time-table for the pre-degree students, very vigilant to catch class-cutting students, always roams around the Verandah of the college. He made sure that the ‘defaulters’ are getting enough punishment.
So concluding … our third bottle neck was to flee away from the sight of this VP.
Current Status:
Day 17: Yeah it 'was' 'that' day!!
Called the agent.
His colleague took the phone and said he was on leave.
Remember his colleague says ..he is on leave ..through his mobile !!! (Airtel Magic)
Evening : the agent called me back.
He said that he will be coming to my flat with the telephone.
Another Airtel Magic; The employee on leave is working!!!
Finally got the connection.
wait..it is not broadband but :-(
Just Airtel land line connection !!!
Yeah but he didn't forgot to give me promise that he will bring the modem that day night.
(May be modem was so heavy to bring along with the phone!!!)
Day 18, 19: Escape from Airtel mania ..I was on home...lucky me
Day 20:
I decided not to call Airtel this day. Lets check whether they call me or not.
Surprisingly I got an email from Airtel : "welcome to Airtel family" (another Airtel Magic)
Reply : "which family? for what ? I didn't get your broadband connection yet"
Aahaa no phone call any way!! what a service!
Day 21: It is for me. So I should took care myself. I made a call to that junk guy.
Want to see another Airtel magic !!!
I got a reply like this... "hello ... who is speaking? "
Eda paavi 'you' don't know me? I am the same person who is calling you 4 times everyday for last two weeks!!!
Of course he promised me that I'll be getting their great DSL connection the same day. poor me; waiting for it for the whole day.
"hello Hello..."
1st try... 2nd try ... 3rd try...
The first time in my life I started hating AR Rahman for his Airtel music. Whenever I call these junks I get the same tune.
Finally got another sales guy... after hearing my story he gave some manager's number ..he called up one of his PL and checked my database. found that my sales agent is belongs to another manager. he connected the respective PL.
He said a lot of sorry + 'I' understand+ I'll correct + I'll send.
And he requested for time till next day
yes granted ..whatelse I can do?
Day 22:
6PM : no calls yet
എന്തിനധികം പറയാന് ...അവസാനം എന്റെ റൂമ്മില് ഇന്റെര് നെറ്റ് ഉണ്ടായി.
22 days around the Airtel world !!!
Day 1: Submitted the application through an Airtel sales guy.
Day 2: Waiting for Day 5 to use “The Great Airtel” Broadband connection.
Day 3: count down 2
Day 4: count down 1
Day 5: count down 0.
Where is the connection? Ok… lets call them.
He said that my address proof was not complete
(What the hell he was doing for the past two days... I wonder)
Handed over BSNL postpaid bill.
Day 6: A call from Airtel.
Application/Address Verification done.
Assigned the phone number. Oh.. So fast.
Day 7: A call from the same sales guy; said my BSNL bill was old.
(what he was looking for while I handed over the bill? )
[a query appeared in masala-mail-group in the company about airtel.
Suggested this agent’s number.(I feel sorry now; his “Day-1” started)]
Day 8: collected the complete rental agreement.
Where is he? Nobody there to collect it.
Day 9: Hello Hello…ohh man ..pick up the phone.
Day 10: Let’s try from somebody else’s phone.
He picked up the phone and wondered hearing my voice.
Claimed he was on leave.
He came and collected the "address proof" . I didn’t bother to ask him the purpose of this one
after verification is already done.
Day 11. Where are the wiring guys as he promised the previous day ?
Try to reach him. No answer. 1…2…3…4…calls. No reply.
Day 12:
1..2…3…..4……5……6……calls. No reply.
Got a call from him; said that the Airtel DP box in my building has 6 connections
and 3 were already assigned.
Why can’t he assign 4th one to me?
That’s the problem … he said that the box is not working!!!
Ahhh… what the other 3 persons are doing then.
Days 13; he promised he will send the person today.
Day 14: 1…2…3… calls.. No reply
Day 15: Already fed up; or I forgot to call him after giving endless tries.
Days 16: He called; send the wiring person. 2 and half hours wiring works.
(unlike what he said it is a matter of 1 hour).
Still no Telephone ..no modem. What to do with just wires? To hang myself to death?
Day 17: yeah it is today.
By a frustrated Future Airtel user.
PS: My first Business with Airtel !!!
Part II => Airtel Magic.
I was searching for a reason ..why India is not progressing towards ‘developed’ country!!
It didn’t take much time to get an answer. Yeah it is in my blood too. Laziness !!!
Indians are bright, intelligent, educated and Indian economy is fairly good shape. Still one thing is missing “Hardwork” I am not expecting people to work for the nation. But why can’t they work for themselves?!
In the software industry, engineers are aware of the health problems ahead in their life. I don’t think that an IT engineer can lead a normal/trouble free life after 35. Everyone knows the importance of regular exercise. Still you won’t see much people in Gym, outdoor/indoor games, Yoga etc.
The common reason is ..”I don’t have time to do all these”. [a very good reason to hide their laziness] Yeah they have to work in the night/overtime. They forget that they are missing their life itself for ‘money’. Noone ever gets this life back with the money they have earned.
At least Be selfish !!! Don’t wait others to do your work. You can not buy health with your wealth. So spend a bit time to stretch your body.
All mallus are familiar with a saying
“സമ്പത്തു കാലത്തു തൈ പത്തു നട്ടാല്
ആപത്തു കാലത്തു കാ പത്തു തിന്നാം.”
Apply it in the same in health too.
Yes invest something in your fitness now.
You may breathe well in your old age.
[Use IE to read this post properly. You may use Mashithantu to write back.]
വിവിധ തരം bug കളെ പറ്റി ഒരു അവലോകനം.
ക്ഷത്രിയന് ബഗുകള്.
"ക്ഷത്രിയന് സാവു കടയ്യാത്" - വിജയകാന്ത്, തമിഴ് സിനിമാനടന്.
വളരെ അപൂര്വമായി കണ്ടുവരുന്ന ശക്തികൂടിയ ഇനങ്ങളാണിവ. ഒരിക്കല് system ത്തില് കടന്നു കൂടിയാല് പിന്നെ ഇവറ്റകളെ തല്ലിപുറത്താകാന് ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടാണ്. ഒരു തരത്തില് അല്ലെങ്കില് മറ്റൊരു തരത്തില് അവറ്റകള് പൊങ്ങി വരും. മിക്കവാറും അതിന്റെ പുറത്തു work ചെയ്യുന്ന എഞ്ചിനിയറുടെ വാര്ഷിക appraisal ഇവറ്റകള് കാരണം കുത്തനെ താഴെ പോകാന് സാധ്യതയുണ്ട്.
സദാം ബഗുകള്
ഇവരും ഭയങ്കരന്മാരണ്. ഒരു വ്യത്യാസം മാത്രം. ഇവരെ കൊല്ലേണ്ട വിധം എല്ലാ ബുഷ്-കള്ക്കും അറിയാം. പക്ഷെ അവരെ തൊട്ടാല് തൊടുന്നവന് വിവരം അറിയും. അതുവരെ മാന്യന്മാരയിരുന്ന ഒരു പറ്റം bugകളുടെ ആക്രമണം പേടിച്ച്... "ഇപ്പൊ കൊല്ലും... കൊല്ലാന് പോവുകയാണ്" എന്ന പല്ലവി ആവര്ത്തിച്ചു കൊണ്ടിരിക്കും. ഇതു Manager മാരെ തൃപ്തിപെടുത്താന് ഉതകുന്നതായതിനാല് പല engineer മാരും ഈ വഴിക്കു പൊതുവെ രക്ഷപെടാറുണ്ട്. വിദഗ്ദഭാഷയില് {Technically speeking} ഈ ബഗിനെ close ചെയ്തു എന്നു പറയും.
ചാവേര് ബഗുകള്
ഇവര് പ്രത്യക്ഷപെട്ടാല് engineer റുടെ തലയെടുക്കാനുള്ള ഭാവമായിരിക്കും. CAP case എന്ന ഓമനപേരില് ഒരു report number ഇവര്ക്കുണ്ടാവും. CAP case എന്നു പറഞ്ഞാല് engineer രുടെ 'തൊപ്പി' തെറിക്കാവുന്ന case എന്നര്ത്ഥം.ഗതി കെട്ടാല് ഇവരെ hardware issue ആയി പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ച് ഒഴിവാക്കുന്നതാണ് സ്വതവേ കണ്ടു വരുന്ന ഒരു പ്രവണത.
അഭിമാന ബഗുകള്.
ചില ബഗുകള് അങ്ങിനെയാണ്. അഭിമാനം പണയപ്പെടുത്താന് ഇവര് തയ്യാറല്ല. ആദ്യം അവറ്റകള് തന്നെ ശരിപ്പെടുത്താന് നിയോഗിച്ചിട്ടുള്ള engineer രുടെ പേരു നോക്കും. engineer രെ ഇഷ്ടപെടാത്തതു കൊണ്ടോ എന്തോ അവര് സ്വയം അങ്ങു തൂങ്ങി ചാവും. ഇതു അതേ പടി manager റോട് പറയാനുള്ള നാണക്കേടു കൊണ്ട് ..."ഓ ആ ബഗ് unreproducible അയിരുന്നു" എന്നു കാച്ചും.
ഓല പാമ്പുകള്.
വരുന്ന വരുവു കണ്ടാ തോന്നും ഇവന് മൂര്ഖന്റെ അടുത്ത ബന്ധുവാണെന്നു. അടുത്തെത്തി കഴിഞ്ഞാലാണു മനസിലാവുക ഇതു വെറും ഓല പാമ്പാണെനന്. ഉടനെ തന്നെ അതിനെ ചുള്ളി കമ്പ് കൊണ്ട് തല്ലി കൊല്ലും. Junk ചെയ്യുമെന്ന്.
മച്ചാന് ബഗുകള്
ചില ബഗുകള് അങ്ങിനെയാണു. മച്ചാന് മച്ചാന്മാരാണ്. ഒരാളെ കുഴിച്ചു മൂടാന് സാധിച്ചാല് മറ്റവന് താനേ കീഴടങ്ങും. ഇവര് Duplicate bugs ആണെന്നും ചില വിദഗ്ദ പക്ഷവുമുണ്ട്.
അടികുറിപ്പ്: ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് അടിച്ചുകയറ്റി കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നതിനിടയില് വീട്ടില് നിന്നു ഫോണ് !!!
"എടാ ഞാന് ഒരു 'പേരുവിവരപട്ടിക' അയച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. നിനക്കു താത്പര്യം തോന്നുന്ന പെണ്ണിന്റെ പേര് പെട്ടന്നു തന്നെ എന്നെ അറിയിക്ക്. ഞാന് പെണ്ണിന്റെ വീട്ടുകാരുമായി ആലോചിക്കാം !!"
ആഹാ... എന്റെ ജീവിതത്തിലേക്കുള്ള ബഗ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാന് ഒരു കനകാവവസരം !!!
Have you ever watched a movie 4 times at a stretch in 24 hours? I did.
DCH was the last one I watched in such a passion (First two were Manichithrathazhu and DDLJ)
And one dialog stuck in my mind is…
“apna bag pack kar. Mein sid ke saath khadi me thera inthezaar karronga”
We - Myself, Bijoy, Melvin, and Vikas couldn’t think much to plan a Goa trip the moment we saw the movie. But we landed up in different parts of the country after passing out from the college. Palakad, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. We never happenened to see together for 4 years after our graduation.
Now we three are in Chennai and one in Bangalore. So our heart were beating fast as the Deepavali long weekend was approaching. By character, my classmates were already put name to us. Nobody ever took time to name Vikas as sameer. And our the main headache was to arrange truck for his return trip… :-)
Suddenly, the plan was changed with a happy news …Vikas got engaged with Roshni on Deepavali Sunday. So we cancelled the truck booked for him.!!! And Anoop joined us.
Needn’t tell much about Goa. But a few things to point out.
Goa is a place very much like Kerala with Beautiful beaches. And never miss Palolem beach.
Sun, Sand and plenty of Skin !!! what else you want? The sunset @ Palolem is an extraordinary one. Also you will get a fairly good sun rise too !!! (Palolam is a curved beach). You may live in shack which is facing the beach. What about a ride in fisher men boat to see Dolphin island, Butterfly Island and Honeymoon beach? Oh… you want to fish? Get up early and go with them. Only your laziness to wakeup early will be there to block you!!!
Remember one thing. Don’t be in hurry. Everything is slow there. Surprisingly I took 2 and half hours to finish a scoop of rice!!! (my min speed to have a full meals is just 10min). It is very nice to enjoy the shore with a cool sea breeze on your hair. No wonder why these story writers are spending their time with sea. But for us reason might be different. Put a cooling glass to hide the moments of your eyes and simply sit down there. You will never aware about the time machine :-)where is she going >>>
Foreigners are less complex than what we think. They just say “Hi How are you” unlike we keep our face serious. They wear two pieces while relaxing in sand is just to differentiate their skin with sand. Otherwise ‘bloody Indians’ might walk over them. Sorry the bloody Indians attitude is not from them. It is common in the restaurants. Only Indians could think like so!!!
Frankly I got a bit bored up with Goa. May be because of two reasons.
1) I don’t have any girl friend or spouse or whatever.
2) I was already relaxed. In the sense my work rarely demands busy schedule.
In short, Do not plan Goa trip much before. Are you held up with some dirty job? Did you finish any hell release? wanna some peace of mind?
Yes that is the right time to fly Goa. Don’t forget to call your girl friend too :-)
...ഞാന് അതു ചെയ്തു. എന്റെ സ്വപ്നം. (ക്ഷമിക്കണം. സ്വപ്നതിന്റെ 10 ശതമാനം മാത്രം.)
മഷി തണ്ട് -ന്റെ ആദ്യ 'അവതാര'ത്തിലേക്കു സ്വാഗതം.
YaSJ യുടെ ജന്മനാലുള്ള മടിക്കു വ്യക്തമായ സാക്ഷിയായി... ഒരു മഷി തണ്ട്.
B.Tech ജയിച്ചു പുറത്തു വരുന്നതിനു മുന്പെ എനിക്കു ചെയ്യാന് കഴിയുമായിരുന്ന ഒരു 'യന്ത്രം ' ഞാന് ചെയ്തു തീര്ത്തതു... 5 വര്ഷത്തിനു ശേഷം മാത്രം !!!
എന്റെ സ്വപ്നം ഇനിയും അവശേഷിക്കുന്നു. ഒരു spell checker !! നമ്മുടെ മലയാളത്തിനു വേണ്ടി. അതിന്റെ ആദ്യപടി ഇവിടെ തുടങ്ങട്ടെ !! Manglish -ല് നിന്ന് മലയാളത്തിലേയ്ക്കുള്ള ഒരു തര്ജ്ജിമ 'മ്രുദുല യന്ത്രമായി' {translating software}!!!
ഈ blog 'മഷി തണ്ട്' editor ഉപയൊഗിച്ചാണു എഴുതിയതു. See the source file as comment.
Just thought to log our Kodai trip last weekend. Here it goes; a crisp description.
We, Bijoy-Raveesh-Manoj-Deepak-Gopan-Myself, packed our bags and headed to Kodaikanal last Friday. Since it was my 4th visit I was not particularly interested in Kodai Lake, Boating, Suicide Point, Pillar Rock, Garden etc. This trip was a 3-day trip unlike my first 3 One-day trips.
As usual we started with Cycling. Circled the lake once and went to a tea shop from where we ordered masala-tea. Frankly at that time only we came to know that the masala tea we had before were not at all masala tea !!! That night we set-up a camp-fire. Unfortunately politics came to our discussion and it almost spoiled the night. later we recovered with an interesting topic: First Crush.
Next day morning we took our cycles and traversed unchatered paths uphill. We touched some dead end in 45 minutes but return journey took only 2mins. free fly in the cycle downhill. And went to check out most-necessary-facility in any hill station, Suicide Point ;-) Unlike other visits we were unable to see the beauty of the valley from the point due to heavy fog. Then we headed forPiller Rock, Same fate; couldn’t see it. Nobody worried about it. We were looking for a football ground. Yup… it is the common factor binding us together. We used to play football during the weekdays.Due to heavy traffic block/Jam we reached the pine forest only by 2pm. As usual we walked through the unknown paths and surprisingly we reached at the 'top' from where we could see the Piller Rock from the backside!!! plus a view from the point which is 200m above Suicide point. and off-course one can easily take his life from that height too :-)
From there we walked down through another route where we heard a huge noise of crowd. Hence reached the Guna-cave (named after Climax of Kamal Hassan's movie, Guna). It is a terrific point. It is a must see place even if it is a one-day trip. Then we had tried to go to Berijam lake, but it required permission to enter the forest. So, moved back. Next was Cockers walk, spent one hour peacefully. Then to Cottage. camp-fire again.Next morning everybody woke up early (early means 7'o Clock) and checked out the bungalow and went to the forest office to get permission for entering to forest. Sadly they told Mondays andtuesdays visitors are not allowed to visit the 'jungle'(hindi). [Why? Is it to help the ‘them’, Sandal wood mafia?] But it is India yaar. Just bribe… you will get permission to do whatever. So we waited for the IFS officer. Surprisingly, he allowed first 20 which included us too. (off-course others had to bribe the guard).Also IFS guy was waiting for some big guns. Who cares chotta-chotta (Hindi) 'thuppakkees'(Tamil).
I would say one thing. If we didn't show our patience, we would have missed the best part of our journey. So bang to Berijam lake. It was totally a refreshing and new experience. After reaching the lake we further walked for one hour around the lake. Nobody other than we six. prakruthiyumayi izhuki chernnu oru manikoor.
Returned back to our Tevera. Found that our driver got severe fever. Why worry. We have a 'taxi' driver in our gang. Who else... Rave the great !!! Yup comfortably reached back in Chennai at 3.30AM (Oct3, 2006). In summary, we escaped from Chennai hot sun for 3 days.
-----some (fun) moments (may not be interesting for you :-) -----
Tharagal palarum undayenkilum Raveeshanu thaaram. (Hero of the tour : Rave!!!)
While creeping into the forest we saw a Tamil board in the shape of a tiger: "enkaleyum vazhaka vidunkal".It means "Let us live". But Rave's definition was different: "kandille machanu kazhikkan onnum kittiyittilennu" (Tiger wants you as a prey ;-)
Deepak, after seeing the lake, planned for a usual movie shot. He requested Rave’s shoe for fish-a-shoe from the lake. And he suggested not saving Rave even if some crocodile attacks, but just make movie; Rave-fight-with-crocodile.
Troop observed an utter silence while Rave handed-over wheel to Manoj, another ‘rally’ driver.
It seems whole Kerala was there. “Maari nikkada mundakkal sekhara”… “Mundokke-yulla sekharanayaalum… Mundokke illathe sekharanayallum ..maari podai”… Interpretation for the famous Mohanlal Dialog by another cycle gang.
Also whole ‘company’ was there… met a North-Indian gang on the way. Heard that a Tamil gang on another part of Kodai. Bijoy met his PL and I met my Manager on the way. We again met him(He is managing Rave too ;-) on the Cockers walk.
Rave’s immediate reaction …(to Manoj) “ Suresh and family, ..decent aavu… decent avvu (be decent) …”
Another remarkable moment...
background: Gopan was recently engaged, myself is planning to look for a partner.
Rave (to Bijoy) : Eda…. (seriously…) Lets us discuss something….
Bijoy: Enthonnu..(what ?)
Rave (to Bijoy) : "..about your future Wife…."
Bijoy : "hmmm.." (seems so happy)
Rave : "So let us start thinking about it..."
...Aval enthayirikkanam ...? (what she should be ?)
...Aval aaraayirikkam ...? (Who she should be?)
...hmmm... (watching Bijoy closely and keeping a hand distance)
...Aval Aarude-yayirikkanam … ;))!!!? (Whose she should be !!!?)
Anyhow he escaped from Bijoy.
------------------photo of the day-----------Old man with a cigarette in one hand, book in another hand. He is reading the most sensational novel of the century, Da-vinci-code in the cool, calm atmosphere. See the dog near by.
Part 1: Mother-in-law
I paused with a question.
Should I give full mark to my mother or to my aunts or to my grandma for making peace in the family?
You may give 10 marks to my grand ma, 60 marks to my mom and aunts. To where the rest of marks going to?
30 marks go to my father and his brothers. Why?
They did care their parents more than anything else. They found more value in paying attention to them rather than playing Cards. They never even hesitated to halt helping their kids in their homework, the moment they hear a call-of-duty from their parents. In another way, they taught their children a good lesson through their own act. It is nothing but "Obey your parents". It was fun to see that they were choosing the shortest path to reach Grandpa in no time. I still remember my father (even at his 40s) running down the slippery wooden stair-case is like sliding down. I may even compare with that of the style of son-and-father-relation in 'God father' (Malayalam Movie).
I always observed an utter silence whenever my Grandpa indented to speak. You may see one example from this page. (George +10). No one ever spoke to my grand father louder than his voice.
Ee abhyaasagal (chittakal) kandu kondu kayari varunna pennu enginne avare dhikkarikkum?
(How can a new bride disobey their parents-in-law after watching all these discipline?)
One event.
Sahikkettu (after bearing a lot of firing) my mother hesitated to obey my grand mother (to do something). Mom clearly told to my father that she will not do those for her. Surprisingly my father didn't say any word and went out and completed what his mother asked his wife to do. and returned back. and asked her politely. "If this women were you mother, did you disobey her?...if you found difficulty to obey this old woman let me know I'll do it for you".
He successfully balanced his wife and his mother!!! Baseline of successful married life :-)
From where he could have learnt all these things? (Might be continuing...)
How could you say your children to obey you without yourself obeying your father?
How could you say your wife to respect your parents without yourself respecting your parents?
I was a ardent cricket fan two-three years back. But now, I don’t know where the hell my passion for this game has drained away.
But I still remember a few matches.
The crowd was roaring in the gallery when one man danced down the crease for a six.
People say that he ‘is’ the God in square cut.
He forced the habit of celebrating each wicket taken in a fascinating way of forming circles.
He showed the urge for victory.
He is the most successful captain for the team till date.
He supported the new fellows hence cultivated the Team India.
His record says he is the 4th in world-highest run-hunter.
Yup He is Sourav Ganguly.
May be he is out of form. May be better players are in queue for ‘Team India’.
But I am shocked while reading the news “The doors are closed”.
I am ok with that decision because new talents will get a chance. But what shocked me was the description “Former Ranji Captain Sourav …..blah blah”.
He is not just a former Ranji Captain. He is the one who build the Team India. He is THE FORMER INDIAN CAPTAIN. He decorated that post more than any one, I would say. Just because he put the Indian team to the regular habit of winning matches.
Tail: If his name were Sachin he would be still in the team.
Once I asked my mother "How could you stay with your mother-in-law for 19 long years!!!"
I continued "Did you effectively treated her as your mother?"
"NO Never...she is my mother-in- LAW only". Her answer suprised me.
"My mother might be ready to forgive me, if I did something wrong..she might be ready to forgive me ..if I ignore her..." She explained "..But this woman is my mother-in-law only... So I never want a mistake from my side... I cared her more than I did for my mother". She continued her theory. She was sure that her mother-in-law used to get hurt easily it seems.
It was not easy to live in a huge family. I had witnessed her struggles. She might got firing from my grandmother for not replacing something in place. The same thing might be in use with somebody. But in Grandma’s point of view she saw my mom taking it. Now, it is neither in my mom's hand nor in the place!!! or my mother don't know where it was either. Obviously she got mistaken. Also Grand Ma was very particular about using oil in kitchen. If she found slightly over use, who ever last used it got the punishment. Real root cause might be somebody else!!!
The reason for firing might vary for different issues from not ironing grandpa's shirt to giving extra something to the servants. It might be my mom's fault or somebody else’s fault. No matter... all daughter-in-laws has to share their part of punishment.
I even fed up with the ration system in the big family. x number of soaps, y number of bar-soaps, z number of ABC etc per family per month. I had waited till 9th to get a full egg !!! it is a kind of 'CMM level'... 9th std and above get full egg. 3rd and above get half egg others get 1/4th etc. this list may extend to a couple of pages.
All of these may happen round the clock everyday. Still nobody said a word against Grandma. She (mother-in-law) treated her daughter-in-laws equally. Otherwise with a thinner physique my grandmother can not control her seven daughter-in-laws in a raw. That too different types of women. She could be a great manager ;-)
Were my mother and aunts fools to obey a woman in 60s (even she couldn't walk fast)? Can't they ignore her? Can't they fight with her? Were they so dumb?
They (1) tolerated for the peace of their husbands. Their children. More over, they cared her age. They had a simple theory too... "Without two hands you can not clap.... to make a sound"
Can we give full mark to my mother or to aunts or to grandma for making peace in the family? (to be continued...)
(1) 'They' is a general term. There are a couple of exceptions.
Tail: Thought of my cousin motivated me to scribble down this.
She is living with her husband (who is a single-ton son of his parents) in a rented house. It didn't take even 7 months to separate her husband from his lovable parents. Pennerumbittal ennu kettetteyulloo (If woman decides!!!). Avalu aare kandu padichathanavao? (From where she learnt to do this?)
But frankly, I have no wonder !!!!
How can you expect a woman to obey/respect her mother-in-law if she is not even obeying/respecting her own mother?!!!!
(If you get time, try to watch a classic Malayalam movie 'Vidheyan'- A Mammootty film.
While I was watching Ind vs WI (DLF cup; tri-nation series; Ind-WI-Aus), an advt. popped up with a famous face. He claimed that there is no pesticide in his favourite-cola-brand. He verified all the work of their factory and seemed satisfied and he randomly choose a cola-bottle and he took a sip with his 'head up'. I expected this advt. much earlier :-) [and if they really interested, I have a better one]
Whom should I believe to?, the experts who tested the soft drink and shocked India 2 or 3 years back or this 'Vidheyan'?. After all, I hope that common man will distinguish this advt. from the declaration of their matinee idol.
I remember a Cricket series Ind Vs Eng, Year 2002 I guess. A couple of England players got sick during the match. And I don't know ...after that particular event all the England players started using the cola imported from Singapore (or Malaysia?).
If my memory is correct, A newspaper reported that the employees of American embassy are using non-Indian colas (I don’t know the authenticity of this news). If this is true....?!!
My question is…WHY?
When people will get to know that this Cola-company’s are just doing their ‘business’. I guess a single Hindi movie ‘Corporate’ is not enough to open the eyes of Indians. But they coolly described the dirty-business-tricks.
Now US government itself is forcing India to check on this cola-ban. They threatened Indian Govt. that they will not invest further in India, if we didn’t use their Cola products again. I have no surprise in this move.
But what surprised me is that another ‘Vidheyan’ even dare to say that
“Test the breast milk, you might see the pesticide!!!”
Enthoru Vidheyathwam (What a subservience)?!!!
One of the great movie of this 'Vidheyan' is still running in packed house in a Mumbai theater even after 500 weeks (10 years) !!! I wonder when these people will have a Vidheyathwam to their fans?
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Longest ever drive in my life. 847 KM (previous record reads 160KM).
Dad scanned all the gutters in the road but he missed the Mannuthi junction, from the turn which leads to my home… :-)
On the way we witnessed a dog attacking a bike rider (Pollachi-Vadakkumchery route) and saw a fox too in the same road ( rather I should have call it a forest).
And Thank GOD for the safe return. (It is not my merit that no crazy truck drivers crash my car.)
Here goes my Bike ride. Chennai-Bangalore.
Wishing a Happy Teacher's Day to all my respected teachers, especially my class teachers from 1 to 10.
std 1 C Rosily teacher
std 2 B Annama teacher
std 3 A Kathrina teacher (amazing capability to teach)
std 4 A Kathrina teacher (my father influenced HM to move myself into her class)
std 5 D Davis mashu.
std 6 B Annie teacher (rarely she was known by that name)
std 7 C Limcy teacher (she was very pretty and very good/dedicated/young teacher; I guess, She was the only one without a nick name)
std 8 C Maggi teacher
std 9 C Chinnma teacher
std10 A Susaanth mashu (the person who forced his students to think)
but my all time favorite teacher is Malathi teacher. She taught us Malayalam in her fabulous way. Her story telling capabilities were highly impressive. Through her I knew Mahabharatha and Ramayana in its passion. She broke the ice of 'vrutham', 'alankaram' etc like tough things. Some teacher's presence motivated us to study their subject. No wonder why I hate Chemistry from 9th onwards. No wonder why it became one of my favorite subjects after Prof. K P Antony’s lecturers. No wonder why we (B.tech classmates) love Prof. Radhakrishna and Vrinda Madam.
Surprisingly I was also a teacher. Couldn't I motivate my students? Couldn't I influence them to study programming? Apart from making my lectures interesting, my main focus was to create a Linux oriented culture through out the department. It was the-best-page in my life. A handful of good students!!! Amazing
I love all my teachers. I can not forget two teachers for their contribution to my programming skills. yup... our favorite pce and prof. Manoj Kumar.
Hello Teachers!!!
Teaching is the best profession in the world as far as I know. You are the best person to guide the youth of India. You are THE person to show the value of values to your children. Do not afraid to take responsibility to set a good culture. Your students will follow you. The future of India is in your hands.
All the Best.
"Hey good opportunity for u guys......hurry up... Ericsson is distributing cell phones for free over the internet to compete with Nokia .. blah… blah...please cc Smith to track your mails".
Frankly, I am fed up with this kind of messages. Those guys who forward these mails are working for good companies with very good salaries. Still they expect a free mobile :-( Once I replied back to my friend. "Let me know if you get a mobile in two weeks like they offer". He gave me an instant reply. "I know I will not get it. But… (kittiyalo?).No extra effort man... just forward it..thats all". He wants to try his luck.
Couldn't they find the marketing trick in this? Free Publicity. Smith@Ericsson dot com might be laughing at us :-( OC-yil kittiyaal Acid-umm kudikkaruthu. (Don't drink Acid, it being available free of cost).
I had forwarded this kind of mails a couple of time... but enikkoru pullum kittiyilla (I didn't get any). So I learnt from experience.
A funny SMS: (It is enjoyable Only if you know Malayalam)
"Do you want a Nokia7980 for Rs1500 with hutch sim card and life long free sms and free local call for 30 min? log on to this website ... www. nokki irunno ippo kittum.com"
Apart from joke... Do you know why you are getting spam mails? This is how your mail ids are spreading across the globe without your knowledge. So folks, please stop this non-sense.
Final word: No Miracle is going to happen, if you just forward "send this to 10 people within the next 10 minutes".
Adding more:
...Bill Gates is sharing his fortune....When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00.....
Try your luck !!!
yet just runners-up ?!!
hence we missed THE HAT-TRICK :-(
And I hope that you need not put much effort to find the theme; Our company celebrates 30 years.We may say (forever) that we made this "Pookkalam". (I suspect that winners could say the same with the same pride)

However... it was "yet another" great day in this company as a part of organizing committe for Onam-06.
I never thought about a patent idea in my life. But one idea struck us while we were sipping a cup of coffee. I, Anish (He has already one Patent) were discussing about cable technology and our team in general. We were sad that we are not getting any core development work. As everyone say "necessity is the mother of invention". it is very much true. We wanted a development work badly and we are frustrated with a few delays in the work. hence a new idea (at least for us).
[The details of our idea can not be disclosed due to a few confidential reasons]
Our Client have an option to submit patent ideas. The procedure to get a US patent though our client is that first they have to review the idea and if they are ok, the idea will be submitted to US patent committee.
But review-committee found that a part of our idea has a prior art. They found a few limitations too. Yet they agreed that we may develop it inside our network. They were happy to see the cost cutting method suggested along with the fast recovery operations in the idea. And they agree that it is an awardable idea. Coool... But the problem with this award is ...it specifically for their employees :-( We are just their partners in their engineering operations.
However we will get a token money from our company and of course we will get THE dream work we were looking for.
This is a good reason to violate a my self-blog-ban I guess. After stopping the blog for 10 days, I got time to think about an 'awardable' idea ;-) So again I am going to sleep mode. let us see whether we 'll get any patentable idea or not !!! :-)
I am violating my own rule... to blog again.
But I have a reason to share which is more than technical, I guess.
I have learned a few things on this Independence Day.
1) Don't argue with somebody. There is no use.
your 'wrong' might be 'right' for somebody else.
Maximum you may go for two replies with your arguments.
Still you couldn’t convince, stop it.
2) email is a powerful tool for communication;
But you can not set your emotions in it properly.
So take care to control your anger in email.
It will get multiplied as soon as it reaches on the other end.
3) Keep the same in mind while reading an email too;
other person may not knowing 2nd learning.
So.. try to divid the amount of anger in the email into half.
4) Respect others opinion, appreciate it if you agree with it.
5) Don't worry if you didn't get the same appreciation;
other person may not know about the 4th learning.
6) Avoid personal attack to win. (common law while arguing)
7) Ignore the personal attack.
Result: lost a blog-friend for an unnecessary reason.
Return to sleep mode.
It is a technical term to indicate that some dirty process is using the CPU for a longer time. Different people take different actions to solve this issue. Some might crash the system itself, a few intelligently kill that nasty process alone and allow other process to continue.
Yeah, My CPU is facing a serious CPU HOG issue. And that dirty process is nothing but this blog!!! My lovely blog !!!. I am neither cruel to allow myself to crash nor to kill this blog. So I am moving this blog to Suspend mode.
And here are my re-invoke criteria:
1) At least two technical journals in any Linux Magazine
2) 50 puzzle posts in my C-Puzzle blog
3) Close double the number of bugs targeted per month.
4) Complete my long term dream, A spell checker for Malayalam language
5) Visit not to a single blog in continuous 30 days.
If I could do any of these, I’ll resume “Yet another Software Junk”.
A few of my friends want me to start a Malayalam blog. They hope that it will good with my Thrissur slang. But.. I’ll start a Malayalam blog, if and only if I could complete the 4th one in above list.
On other hand, a few remarkable comments from my good friends influenced me to take this action.
Anoop: "Why can't you blog something useful; informative?"
Melvin: "Don't waste your life in blogs"
Exceptional case:
(1) Before my marriage; I might be publishing the status my bachelor-ship wish list .
(2) If I get bored, I’ll add index or categorize my old posts.
(Please)Don't ask me why a dead blog needs an index? (Chattha kunjinnu enthinaa jathakam?)
Till then, Bye.
----tail note---
This is my 163rd post in this blog. (Includes 8 unpublished drafts)
It acts as my diary. (98% true to my knowledge)
Silent agenda of this blog was to improve my language.
Using IP addresses, I found that around 20 people are regularly reading this blog and I do not know who they are? It would be great if you just leave a comment with name; I hope that you will consider my request.
It was a bit surprise for me that John Bhai too has started blogging. More surprise was that he started on the same date I planned to hibernate. (Due to the blog ban and other reasons I postponed it to today.)
Avan blog ezhuthan ullappol njan enthinnu? (If he has a blog, I don’t need one). Because my blog mainly tells about myself. The same you may read in his blog here and there.
His first entry itself is narrating an abstract of his life. He was very lazy, he says. But not exactly. Yeah, he might be lazy in his studies, but he was very active in a lot of other things. He found difficult to score an average mark in his B.Tech, but he was the topper in his higher studies. That is the difference between being a day-scholar and in "far far away from home". He has only limited friends there. No extra activities there. His hobby was to study the quality of materials.
So now, at my age he is the head of Quality Dept. directly reporting to the chairman of a leading construction group. He wants to tell something to his friends that how his Day-light-Dreams converted the 'lazy' person in him to achieve something in life.
Yup, I too started dreaming... to achieve something in my life!!!
So my scheduled shut-down of this page is going to happen today. I'll be back only after achieving something.
“If my kadinjool (first born) were a girl, it would have been nice; she would have helped me in everything”, My mother still believe so. Was it my fault being her first offspring?
“Pinnee (you are day dreaming lady…) you have a daughter, and I had never seen at any point that she is helping you… moreover what you will do, if your first born were a girl?, Do you have any money for dowry? It was your luck that I was born instead”, It is very easy to sideline a village born woman, yeah my dear Mom!!!
Leave my Mom’s dream; sometime I wished truly, if I had an elder sister!!!
As Anoop says I could enjoy a peg with my Aliyan (brother-in-law ;-)
And could have tried an old mallu saying - “ayilathala thala aliyannu polum kodukoolla”(1)
In my childhood; I got a good raging sessions from my cousins and uncles. Whenever they get a chance, they used to tease me (2). So it was quite natural that I always had fights with my cousins. Since they are one or two years elder to me, it was quite usual that I was on loosing side. But later I managed to learn how to tackle them. The saddest part was that whenever I was about to win in the fight, their elder sisters (3) would have jumped in and saved them. And ‘George’ became a “dash poya Annan”(4)
Yup at that time I wished if I had an elder sister; she could have saved me on my lost battles.
If I had an elder sister…
…I may give my assignments to her to do. [in a few occasion, my younger sis offered her helping hand on exchange for some toffees]
…I would have known a woman’s attitude and their pulse more clearly in a course of time. (Then my “respect-women” and related stuff might be something else ;-)
…she would have been a soothing presence during my toughest times.
…I could be her body-guard-kind against those who disturbing her. [Bhagyam; ellavarum koodi enne eduthittu perumari akke pulivaalayenne(lucky me….you wont see ‘George’ in the current shape then)]
…Of course I can exchange my responsibilities to her as eldest. Still inherited properties would be mine ;-) ente oru karyam; ethra niswartha nishkalanka puthran.(What an innocent, un-selfish fellow I am !!!)
In a few occasion, I thought if ‘this’ lady was my elder sister.
First one was my elder cousin. If she were with me, I could have win all battles [But her hubby is a ‘decent’ fellow..saaala he didn’t even smell alcohol; so eliminated her from my sis-wish]
My Colleague’s Wife: She is so caring.
My friend’s elder sister: She is very motivating.
A lady I saw in a restaurant: she is dressing sensibly.
A couple of others I saw here and there. They impressed me in their confidence; They walked like they rule the world, but humble in their talk/face.
Footnote: What will be my bro / sis thinking about me?
Would it be something like, “I have an elder brother; what is the use:-?”
(1) Ayila (fish) Fry is considered to be one of the most delicious dish in most of the Kerala families. So we may not interest to share its best part, head, even with our brother-in-laws.
(2) Frankly it helped me a lot in later stages of my life to defend my emotions.
(3) Elder brothers do not mind these fights;, fight-win-and-prove kind of attitude. A few will jump in between irrespective of his own brother’s winning probability.
(4) Another proverb that says about a state where in which we don’t know what to do
…about this blog is …
“enthayalum karyam nadakkunnudallo; Google-nte oru power” (Anyway Google is spotting the exact one !!!)
After reading my penultimate year bachelor-ship wish-list, a few of my friends congratulated me over phone.
“Why?”, I was confused.
“You found your girl?!! Who is she? Where is she from?”, They were very happy.
“No no no… not yet” I tried to make things clear.
“Then why you put a word “penultimate”. Doesn’t it mean you are going to marry next year?”
“Ohh man … “, I wondered
So I decided to post this one to clarify:
My Primary Wish: I want to get married next year!!!
Folks, what do you think?
If I happened to find a girl, my wish list will be like following.
1) Find 10K every month to pay BSNL bill.
2) Find one hour (somehow) to publish at least one blog per month. And the content being.. “My Girl…LoL for all her poor jokes…guha guha guhah….ente oru avastha..!”
3) Divert my Recurring account (Money saved for Himalayan trip) for buying the most essential things in like teddy bear, toys, ice-cream, chocolates...
Hopefully I will visit all bakeries in the metro.
4) Chit-chat with her, go to movies with her instead of
a) Fly to Goa with Mel, Vikas, Dhanush, and Bijoy.
b) Drive my car from Thrissur to Chennai. Now I need permission only from my father to drive long distance. Guess a situation where in I require permission from her, her father, her mother & her little brother…:-?
I’d never thought that I would demand my parents to delay the search for my partner. Every time I visit home, they say that “see this girl, 5’1”, she is from Elthuruth(1), good family, working in TCS, Chennai (Ohh man… next building to my office), interested ?”
“First, what about my 640 KM drive? I’ll not look into that photo until that drive”
In fact, I am afraid to see her photo....; If that photo stuck right into my heart, Then !!!
Ellam kazhinjille (that will be the end of my freedom ;-)
(1) Elthuruth is my nearest parish and in my friend’s opinion he couldn’t see a below average Christian chick there.
After “Respect Women” and “Food for -scarf- thought”, a few people think that I am
an Anti - feminist. No fault in it, since the contents were directly targeted the female brigade. But how could I turn against a gender which includes my dearest Mom and my Sis who calls me Chetta (bro) with all her love and respect.
Mind you, One and Only once Jesus got angry, Bible says. Why he became so angry to
“Cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of money exchangers, and the seats of them that sold doves”?
“and said unto them, It is written, My house is called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves”
Hope you will not make him angry for converting the “house of player” into the ‘ramp of models’!!!
PS: This is applicable for both the sexes who wear ‘revealing’ clothes and those ‘6 pockets’ inside a church.
Ok I am going a step backwards. If you (1) dare to wear such things in your official meetings with your Boss (Chairman, CEO etc.); yup… “Do whatever those make you to concentrate on prayers?”
(1) Under assumption that you are not a CFO or COO ;-) hope you are just an officer or below.
I do admit the Communist on one thing (most likely only on one thing). They contribute a lot to remove communalism. And most admirable was their fight against Ayitham (untouchability). That in turn was a fertile soil to many other revolutions.
My Question to myself is (You may ask the same to yourself too).
Am I free from untouchability?
Untouchability between rich and poor. (beggars are also human beings; It is not his fault that he was born to a poor family and ‘Myself’ in a better one)
Culture to ‘Cultureless’ (Usage of fork and spoon doesn’t mean that it is the best culture)
Vegetarian to Non-Vegetarians (Phaah… eating dead-bodies)
Communists to ‘boorshua’ (bourgeoisie) [they think that rich men have no right to live in this world]
Handsome/beauty to ugly [Are they vanaras (monkeys)]?
‘Decent’ fellows to Drunken. (These decent fellows never mind a person who fell down on road-side thinking that he is drunk. He might be dehydrated, on other hand :-(
KFC-iers to ‘Thattukada (street-shop)’-iers (Uncultured fellows; not humans at all !!! But puzhukkal (worms)
White to black (A few people are reluctant to sit near by black/not-fair people in a bus; a few might be thinking that what does this bus means :-?)
Did you find anything similar to untouchable near to you?
Finally everything categorized as two streams: Rich and poor.
I found two type of religion there exists no ‘untouchables’.
Smoker’s Religion: They do not mind to share same cigarette.
Boozer’s Religion: They do not mind to share same chalice (in case of shortage).
1. The most desirable celebrity: Meg Ryan
‘You have got mail’ impressed me a lot. I had rented out that CD, since it was a Tom Hank’s Movie. But after watching the movie I purchased a copy as a “Meg Ryan” Movie. The last scene is still unforgettable. Everything perfectly synced in her face. And a single sentence “I wanted it to be you…. I wanted it to be you so badly”. Happy, surprise, suspect, realization, ‘Anada kanneer’ (cry with joy) and love. Who else could replace her?!!!
2. Want to do this someday: Himalayan Trucking

Yupe, my 7th wish in the wish list. I want it to be done so badly.

A farm house in the valleys of Scottish mountains.. It may resemble to that of ‘Brave Heart’, my favorite Mel Gibson movie. Oru kuthiraye kittiyirunnekil !!! (If a horse were there to ride) it will be wonderful.
4. Random Favorite:
Now, trying to learn his tricks. You know, I managed to score one goal using his reverse cross. Kalodiyaanjathu ente bhagyam, 3 goal kalanjathinte pazhi vere ( Luckly, bones were not broken yet, by trying his trick and still my teammates cursed for 3 missed goals in my unnecessary ‘reverse cross’). Yeah, he influenced me a lot. Hence an argentinean_fan++.
Stephy Graph (Rank 2, Germen), Tendulkar (rank 3, Proud Indian ), Ivan Lendel (my old favorite, England), Wassim Akram (Rank5, Pakistan), Roberto Carlos (Rank 6, Brazil), Rahul Dravid (Rank7, Makes India Proud), PT. Usha/Anju Baby George (Rank8, Proud Keralites), Joe Paul Anjeri/Papachan (Rank 9, Makes all Thrissurians proud),
Jimmy George (Rank 10, I am unfortunate; never happened to see his game; but I can’t forget the great Indian Volley ball player). Jimmy is the youngest volleyball player to win Arjuna Award at the age of 21. He is the first Indian volleyball player to play club volleyball in Italy. Still take the top 10 attackers in World Volleyball map; you may see his name

5. I was tagged by Dhanush.

Post the picture of the place where you were tagged, and if you picked up the tag yourself then the picture of the place you picked it from.
I would like to tag Thanu and some dead-ends ;-) Anoop, Sujith, Tanuja.
Edit: Ivan Lendel is not from England; but from Czech Rep. Now US citizen.
Usually I am not interested to visit a vegetarian restaurant, but since it was an invitation from an innocent girl like Sush, I couldn’t say NO. None of us had any previous experiences of having Italian food, hence we had no idea how the dishes will look like. Only relief would be Pizza, I thought. Sush told ‘QZdlla’ would be nice. Inchi enkil inchi. (Whatever available)
Menu had a few interesting stuffs like “Sadu Pizza”!!!. Is that meant for ‘sadu’ (poor) people like us? In Italian menu, how come “Goa Pizza” and “Bombay Pizza” got into? Anyway, we were able to find out Sush’s ‘favourite’ item “Quesadillas”. It is a chappathi kind of thing stuffed with pizza toppings. Why can’t we make an Idly Quesadillas? Dosa stuffed with Idly and charge 160Rs; economy rate!!!
I don’t know how to pronounce many items in the menu. Athoru puthiya karyamonnum alla (That is not a new thing). So, I thought to enquire the ‘neighbours’ about the good (means eatable) ‘item numbers’. However, waiter helped us to choose our menu. So here goes our menu.
Z.2 and Z.4 Zuppe (Italian word for Soup), A.5 and A.13 Antipasti (Starters), P.11 Pizza, B.29 Pasta and of course M.21-Cheese Quesadillas (We all are slim guys, so we chose to have cheese, for eg: myself 78Kg). After all, all items were nice, in fact a different experience for my taste buds.
Sush told me to make write a blog on this. But a deep trouble!!. How to memorize those scary names? So I collected the bill to get the names of our ‘item numbers’. Yupe, it would be help me for future references.
Z2 Passato di vedure
Z4 Zuppe di Cipolle
P11. Mediterranean Pizza.
B.29. Pasta Del Barone (Ravioli flavour)
M21.Cheese Quesadllas.
Nanniprakasanam: eppozho kazhinja janmadinasamsal nerunnu Sushmithakkai athodoppam nanniyum. Athinu istathiyaare nirbhandichu prerippicha Rave neenal vaazhatte.
(Vote of Thanks: Belated Happy Birthday, Sush!!! and Thanks for your nice Dinner. And long live Rave for compelling her for this treat ;-)
(yeah Cake Khane keliye hum kayee bhee jaa sakthe hai : Dil Chahta Hai)
She (or he) is not the first one who is disturbing (or entertaining) me Anonymously.
It’d started from my 9th standard at my tuition centre. Usually I don’t like to write something on the desk (in short, father told me not to write). In spite of his warning, once I wrote something on my desk. It already had some name, pictures, lines etc. So once I got bored of some topic, I wrote a poem. Ok I am not poet; it was a poem from some great minds. I don’t remember what it exactly was. Yet, I am adding some interesting lyrics for a sample.
While others think it is a game
I feel love is a fire.
I am burning up in your flame”
-Gary Barlow
After a few months, it was difficult to distinguish the new comments from the old ones. And it was great fun to write comments back on the least reachable spaces :-) We had chat through the desk, we argued, we fought !!!
I wondered who he was?
Surprisingly I found one thing. Those comments might be from a girl. but if yes, she is in 10th. Boy’s and girl’s sides were swapped in these two classes. Otherwise it should have been from an 8th std boy. But I successfully eliminated the latter by the time of comments and the class schedules.
I don't think that she ever knew me, or neither do I . But, I remember it was great fun.
While “Fan from Venus” started commenting in my blog, I simply smiled. Is it he or she? Who wants to play with me? I am confused. But I was pretty sure that I'll write an entry for my fan sometime.
My second drawing on my desk was during my final year B.Tech. The subjects were too boring so that we even started playing niraoppikkal!!

Surprisingly this took a convenient space on all desks in a short period. Engineers!!! and their 'creativities' ;-)
(Kadapaadu: http://www.deeshaa.org/2006/07/18/how-to-beat-the-blog-censorship/)
or http://pkblogs.com/YOURID
(eg: http://pkblogs.com/yasj)
A 4 and half year old boy was watching his father doing slight-hair-dye-touch using a hair-dye-brush.He was confused to figure out why his dad is doing this? Yet he didn’t ask anything.
Next day he took one brush and dipped into his_own_made_mud_water and he started ‘beautifying’ his hair. His father was surprised to see this and didn’t realize what exactly he was doing. So he went near to him for a closer look.
That poor father got angry not only because for his kid playing with mud …but also for…
it was his tooth brush !!! Even his dad suspects that he might have dipped same brush into toilet to imitate their servent, who cleaned it on previous day!!!
This Kid is also famous for his Reverse offer and for imitating one dialogue perfectly just-in-time.
9 or 10 years back. Two weeks to go to the entrance exam.
"I won’t let you play football in this tournament", Appachan (Dad) showed a Red card to George before the kick-off of the Parish-football-tournament itself!!! He didn’t want George to get injured before the exam. We were in short of players. But he was not convinced with any of George’s arguments. His Dad was very strict.
So George was so sad and was forced to wear the dress of assistant coach and it was very easy to handle the team because half of the team was his own family members. Anthony elleppan
(George’s Uncle: Coach/Mid-fielder, Gincettean (elder cousin: Defender), Georgettan (elder cousin who grabbed that name before ‘George’ the author: Fast Forward), Raju (his brother) (Does he know the game?!! ;-): Defender. Joseph (George’s childhood friend also an awesome Goalkeeper in the parish itself)
On the tournament Day morning: George also followed the team to the ground for giving moral support. Slowly ground filled up with supporters of both the teams and other parish people which included his father's friends who knows him very well, though he doesn’t know many of them.
Match started. Since Goal keeper was strong enough so that he managed to save five sure goals in the first 10 minutes itself. The opponents were the runner's up in the last tournament. And they have three excellent players. So, we didn’t put much effort to get the first goal on 12th min. 15th min there came the second goal. So tension mounted on our side and Coach-cum-midfielder-cum-Uncle gave an action to George to play and he will take care his father. Though confused on the first moment, the pressure and the energetic atmosphere made George to replace his brother.
"ente st.thomas punnivaalaaa...kappathu (grace to St. Thomas)”.Somehow we managed not to get any more goals till the half time.
Before the beginning of second half, we’d put up a game plan. The whole plan depended on Georgetten our fastest forward and shaju, the midfielder. But the game plan was interrupted. The opponents know Georgettan very well and their game plan was to mark him with an extra defender. And Shaju was misplaced himself in between the game. So Anthony mappila himself became young at the age of 35 and took control over the ball. He gave a short pass to George who was the only unmarked person at that time.
George received the ball and moved up through the left side. And he managed to dribble the mid fielder and gave pass back to Anthony Mappila. Quickly he returned back to George where he was in position to shoot the Goal for 100% sure.
Only Goal Keeper and Goal post…. He kicked the ball a little bit forward to get the enough momentum to shoot. Suddenly the angry face of his father came to his mind. If he scored a Goal definitely his father would know somehow. He got confused. So he moved a step forward towards right.
"adi eda (shooooot)", Command from Anthony Mappila...
But George was still confused and moved further right and realized that it was a foolish move. Now, Goal keeper has a half chance to block the shot from that angle. Their defenders were flying towards George and one just reached to George. Tension mounted upon both sides. Quickly he came back to the game spirit and He didn't wait further… turned to left and an extremely low ground shot to the left corner of the post.
Goal !!! George wide spreaded his hands on the triumph but immediately closed his face and sat down. He knew that the punishments were waiting for disobeying his dad.
"Kallakeeda kutta (Well done my boy)", appreciation from the coach and he could easily read George's mind. "I'll take care of your father", he gave guarantee. At last we received two more goals happily from the Champions of the tournament and packed back to home.
George was not interested to go home immediately. He was searching for a lie to convince his dad. He realized that punishment for a lie would be severe than disobey. So he went home and planned to hide all broomsticks. Yet he didn’t. If his father failed to find any broomstick and he will take a patta-vadi (heavy stick) from somewhere nearby. It would be much worse.
As soon as he reached home he lied down on the bed and pretended to be fast asleep.
"njan venda ennu paranjittum nee kalichu alle (Did you play without my permission ?!!)", His father was a bit angry. But his voice was in a low tone only, which surprised George. Anger was only in words; not in the tone. Did Anthony mappila was able to convince him ?!!!
"Actually..." George searched for words and avoided a chance for lie. He perfectly knew that his father respect the honest reply.
"Umm...", surprised reply.
His tone can be read as this.
"Neeyathu purathu adichu kalanjirunnekil ninte katha njan kazhichenne". If you didn't score that one... you might be 'killed' by my hand now.
My unit again appeared for this tournament for the second time. And they didn’t even remember the legend who scored one and only one goal for the team. May be they thought about avoiding my travel from Chennai to Thrissur and back. They might not be aware of how much I was interested in playing against the same team now.
This time too, we lost against them for 2-1. The goal was scored by Githin, a 15 year old boy, son of Anthony elleppan. Surprisingly Anthony mappila also played for the team, second time. He is in his mid 40s.
Do you think this one was a long post? ha ha …actullay I cut to half after my editor’s expert advice. Still, if you have no other way to kill time, read the first comment, The original post.
Sometime back, “
And this thought made me adding one more to my bachelor-ship wish list. Targeting this December to treck Himalaya.
Anyone else is interested?
I don’t know what to write about me. Really confused how to start my Orkut profile.However, here it goes.
I am very talkative.
I like to talk about myself. Ahankaram (self-false-pride). That is why this whole blog exists.
I like to talk about you. Chumma Maniyadi (just praising you). Add some comments please ;-)
I like to talk about my friends. See, my friends are too big guns.
I like to talk about events. Look look look my general knowledge are up-to-date (what does that mean?)
I like to share jokes. Chirikkuka, mattulavare chirippikkuka. (laugh and make others laugh), that’s George’s policy of jokes.
But I am a bit shy to talk to a girl without any reason. Simply, I just don’t know how to kick start a flirting session.
I am very regular in a few things. I am very lazy to do a few things.
My initiative capabilities started challenging me now. Njan vittukodukkilla. I’ll continue as Idle.
I like to play Football very much. Sorry don’t think that it is a World Cup mania. I’ve been playing Football for the last 15 years. In a few occasion I like to travel aimlessly!!! Sometimes, I like to walk for long distance (5 KM at a stretch is my current record).
I love Programming and Teaching as well. If someone offers me a job that demands 4 days programming and 1 day teaching, I’d love to accept it with no hesitation.
I am a bit Orthodox Christian. Reluctant to change religious thoughts.
I believe that I am very versatile, easy to approach. What else? You tell me… Just click on the “comments” link below and help me improve my GK on the subject “About me”
[I am ok even with anonymous comment]
Sarah’s post in her immigrant-in-canada kick-started me to write this post. This is purely my opinion and do not mean to offend Sarah or anyone else.
Why should women use scarf in church?
Clearly it is to show our respect to the GOD we worship. Then why should ONLY women to cover their head? Partiality?
Old- testament says that those with long hair (men or women) should cover their hair while praying!!! How the long hair has become disrespect? Watch Brahmins [or kings]; they do keep long hair just to show their supremacy. If you think that you are superior to your GOD, fine ..it is all upto you. He may not be going to punish you for this reason. It is all human imposed rules to improve the quality of your worship. God may not be interested in some fake show!! If somebody follows his words, he (Jesus) considers him or her as a friend (HE says); So, for sure he will not ask a friend to show respect.
Why should we fast one hour before Holy-communion?
It is more scientific than religious aspect, I guess. You can concentrate sharply with an empty stomach. You can concentrate more on your prayer. There was a history of 6 hours restriction to the same in Church. Later it found that it is tough for common people to take owe like this. So it was cut down to 1 hour + 3hour long Holy Mass (effect 4 hours). Later length of Holy Mass shortened to one hour. So effectively 1+1=2hours. Now it is explaining that one hour is included in the length of the Holy Mass.
Other reason might be to improve your Aasa-adakkam (self control) against food. That is why Christians (at least Kerala Christians) are asked to refrain from eating meat on Fridays.
I clearly remember my brother’s weak argument to resist Appachan. In his opinion, all these things are cost-cutting methods of his grand-father (or his great-great-great grand father ;-)
A word to end with:
I never did a research on these topics but I heard it from my father and seemed logical. Do whatever for keeping your faith, it will be good.
My concept is a bit wrong; read Wesley's comment to know what Bible says
Thursday, July 20, 2006
It is a technical term to indicate that some dirty process is using the CPU for a longer time…
If you happened to read the post called CPU-HOG, it was too early !!!
It was my mistake..instead of hitting draft, I pressed on Publish.
That entry was supposed to post @ July 20. So moving it to draft-mode.
[Sorry Anon for confusing you]
I had failed to complete my final year project (Can we say that we have started it?). I did a pay back: Did 3 commercial projects to someone with out getting much money.
My teachers taught me about the beauty of indentation (while writing code).
So I forced my students to do it. Even my below average students knew indentation;
ok they may not knew the logic. Sorry dear students, if it was too painful
I had wasted a lot of time sitting idle.
It was a great pain seeing my students idle.
Sorry my teachers, I can understand the pain u felt :-(
I had failed in DS lab; it was my favorite. This is the one and only one failure in University exams. So I wanted to show my lecturer what I was capable of; I become stronger in C.
Hence I sentenced my better students to ‘suppli’ if they didn't perform well(1) (It took a lot of time to decide) Later one of the students came back saying thanks (after their supplementary exam) !!!
Even I was surprised to see their improvement. You must see them; "Sir, This is the algorithm,... this is the program,... this is the output,...and if you are interested, these are the fault recovery mechanism I did !!!" . I could clearly read from their face, "Anything else to do?". Exactly it was my state of mind after my suppli exam(2). But..
Sorry sir, I forgot to thank you for my suppli.
Usually I skip a few portions (in fact, most of the portions) while studying.
But was forced to study the same while teaching.
Sorry students if you couldn't understand it well.
I got a good service in my life. Just Rs10,000 to complete my B.Tech.
I paid it back: I was a teacher in a GEC for one year.
Sorry if I was idle/neglected my students for sometime.
2 and half years I hunted for a job. I mean to get a decent Software job.
2 and half years I enjoyed my life here.
Sorry my dear employer for wasting your time in bloging at your expense.
I'll either quit bloging or your firm or both.
or even I'll start blogging from my home.
I hate people who scores high marks except a few (genius like Gopakumar)
Now I realize that as a student our job is to score marks. You deserve a standing ovation.
Sorry for calling you a ‘Pusthaka puzhu’ (book worm) at that time.
In the first 21/2 years I have upgraded my skills and,
Next 21/2 I’ve spent degrading It.
I feel sorry for not developing anything new as my initiative
I know the problem's of an interviewee; I had faced it a lot.
Still as an interviewer I failed to help them. I could only pointed out their weak points :-(
May be it is not an interviewer's Job to help them. Still I feel too sorry about it.
Hopefully they will grow stronger.
Last but not least:
I had copied from other’s answer paper a lot of times and managed not to get caught
and thought my teachers were fools.
While I was a teacher, I realized why they didn't catch me.(3)
[The End]
(1) "if they didn't perform well": 'well' in the sense I expected at least some output from them. or at least I want their program logically correct.
(2)Most likely my lecturer desired that from me. Be stronger!!!
Sir, did you failed in your exam like this?
(3) There is a word called (student)-self-esteem.
Part V: Lonely, tough times
Part IV : Hostel Life
Part III : Changes
Part II : Once WE lived there
Part I :Touching 5 years after we split